Scrooooo - it
Stop everything now. This refreshing Pinot Grigio is all you need this holiday season. Screw family, friends, work and get a load of this shit right here. Screw it! Pinot Grigio is the wine gods answer to the perfect white wine.
Screw it! wines are a shelf company of 'Wine O'Clock' wines which are grown and produced in, you guessed it, the always amazing Okanagan Valley in the Beautiful British Columbia. The inception of Wine O'Clock happened near the Yakima River in Prosser, Washington at the Bunnel Family Cellars. Screw it! is their most recent endeavour, with its inception happening just two years ago.
So what is this Screw it! all about? Well, aside from a seriously attractive brand name and elegant minty box, they have extended their reputation of producing cheap 'anytime, anyplace any day' wines and focussed in on women; mainly those who just had a bad date, got dumped, got fired or maybe those who just simply cannot live without their lifeblood: wine. They also do a great job at promoting alcoholism, the following is an excerpt from their 'about' page on the website: "put aside your to do list and treat yourself". Translation call in sick, don't buy food, just stay home and get messed up. Although [BOXED] does agree with getting completely s-faced at least once a week, here at [BOXED], we do not promote calling in sick when you really aren't or picking up the kids from school hammered (thats what bus drivers are for).
Screw it! Pinot Grigio is a sweet wine, it goes down like grape juice and goes out like water. One could easily down this 5L box with its' recommended pairing (shellfish, poultry or veal) in a single sitting. It has an acididc pear/apple taste and finishes very dry. There is no need for a drip dickey when pounding this box as it comes with a revolutionary new drip spout that maximizes flow and minimizes air getting into the box.
So there you have it, oenophilias, Screw it! Pinot Grigio is for anyone, anytime and anywhere. You could serve this to a 2 year old and they'd think it tastes like old grape juice. Am I saying this is a bad thing? Definitely not. Am I saying this is quality wine? Definitely not. Either way, get yourself to the nearest watering hole and down some.
[BOXED] Rating: 7.5/10
Price: $34.99/5L
Varietal: Pinot Grigio (VQA)
Region: Okanagan Valley, BC
Cellared: Yakima River Valley, WA
[BOXED] model and expert turkey chef, Dandylion, loves her Screw it! |
Yours in boxed wine,